The CTP10 is a modular passive optical component testing platform that combines speed, accuracy and flexibility. It offers reliable high-quality insertion loss (IL), return loss (RL) or polarization-dependent loss (PDL) measurement regardless of wavelength range or spectral characteristics of the device under test. It operates together with series of swept tuneable lasers to perform these measurements within seconds and can be configured to acquire photocurrent measurements directly from external photodiodes. Thanks to its modular configuration, it is the ideal instrument to characterize large port count components used in WDM networks and photonic integrated circuits (PIC).
Fast, accurate and repeatable swept wavelength measurements of IL, RL, PDL and photocurrent
Unprecedented operational wavelength range and femtometerscale performance
Full dynamic range IL characterization in a single sweep, ideal for components with high-contrast spectrum
10-slot platform with hot-swappable modules to test components from a few to 100+ outputs with daisy-chaining
Easy test configuration and measurement analysis
Laser-sharing function enables sharing one or more lasers