The fastest sampling scope in the industry. A powerful solution for the 5G production line. The EA-4000 Eye Analyzer is the industry’s fastest optical and electrical sampling oscilloscope. It is ideal for eye diagram analysis when characterizing transmitters and receivers on the production floor. The EA-4000 supports single mode and multimode fibers and has been designed with an ultra-low jitter mode for outstanding performance in manufacturing.
Extended capabilities are available with either single or dual ports for electrical and optical characterization of NRZ-based components.
The EA-4000 has three models that cover different applications:
Ultra-fast 1M samples/s, measures 1000 waveforms in 2 seconds (2000 samples/waveform)
Optical receiver support singlemode and multimode
Repeatable measurements and comparable to Tier-1 scope
Supports PRBS31 pattern lock (optional)
Built-in low jitter mode (optional)