Nova Active


Nova Active

Nova Active Assurance 

Nova Active assurance delivers the most scalable, integrated QoS and QoE monitoring available—critical to delivering a flawless customer experience over dynamic, virtualized networks and services. It allows operators to instantly detect, diagnose and resolve issues impacting data, voice, streaming video and IoT services.
The Nova Verifier family of test probes execute active test sequences that measure end-to-end and segmented performance across all layers of the service, and provide an accurate view of the delivered quality of service and experience. Nova Verifiers can combine multiple tests to accurately pinpoint degradation and faults within the infrastructure, transport, service and application layers—accelerating the troubleshooting of faults and isolating potential issues.

Key Features

Integrated QoS and QoE test capabilities Test and validate performance from L2 transport to L7 applications through a single Nova Verifier deployment to deliver superior quality of experience (QoE) visibility. Nova Active’s extensive test catalog includes more than 100 network quality of service (QoS) and user QoE tests, with more than 30% directly measuring QoE.

Scalability Nova Verifier active test probes are deployed in some of the world’s largest communications networks. Capable of supporting the most demanding accuracy needs of today’s low-latency networks they lead the world in shear scalability, supporting upwards of 24 million test sessions per hour distributed across 500,000 endpoints tested and only 32 Nova Verifiers.

Flexible deployment options Mix and match physical (PNF), virtual (VNF), container (CNF) and embedded software Nova Verifiers to provide complete orchestrated or standalone coverage from physical to cloud, user edge to core.

Orchestrate and automate Automate the delivery, instantiation and operation of virtual and container-based Nova Verifiers through a rich set of APIs for zero-touch operation. Facilitating direct orchestration in Kubernetes environments, the Nova μ-Verifier (coming soon) can be deployed using a Yang configuration model, ideal for assuring dynamic services and network slices.

Centralized management The Nova Worx platform is a scalable solution to manage the lifecycle of thousands of Nova Verifiers remotely including software updates, configuration and functional state.

Full line-rate performance Perform service activation and throughput testing with physical Nova Verifiers leveraging powerful FPGA acceleration or software Nova Verifiers leveraging SR-IOV and DPDK to achieve full line rate traffic generation.

Streaming analytics Use Kafka or Pulsar to live-stream monitoring results to real-time and big data analytics platforms. Nova Verifier monitoring results can also be analyzed by EXFO’s Nova SensAI to instantly detect abnormal events in live monitoring data streams, speeding up the task of identifying faults. This combination can detect the silent faults often related to ‘no fault found’ conditions, while eliminating the sea of alarms typical in today’s operations centers.

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