The TCA 8200 Telecom Conformance Analyzer is an all-in-one compliance testing solution, according to world-wide regulatory & industry standards, for many types of telecom equipment ranging from phones to digital switches, PBXs and VoIP gateways.
In the past, approval of telecom equipment meant using a test lab with expert test engineers and numerous non-automated or semi-automated expensive test instruments and setups. Such a process usually took weeks. With the TCA 8200 you can complete tests and documentation required by the standards and agencies in a matter of hours, without a need for in-depth knowledge of the standards.
Compliance testing according to major world standards.
Fully automated testing & documentation
Built-in standards and general-purpose tests
Supports signaling and remote EUT control.
User defined tests, test suites, and projects
Manual operation for development and debugging testing.
Comprehensive online help
Powerful management, display and analysis features.
Substitutes over 20 test instruments.
Modular design – tailored to your needs