xGenius is a nice handheld tester equipped with a large touch-screen to make easier the analysis and results interpretation. It is 100% suitable for labs or field use because is full equipped with IP / Ethernet / PTP / SyncE / T1 / E1 / E0 / C37.94 and Datacom interfaces, battery operated, light (1.9kg) and very rugged. The unit is able to test transmission and synchronization networks up to 10Gb/s. It supports master/slave PTP emulation. Multiple operation modes are possible and includes Performance, Quality, One-way Delay and Wander tests at all interfaces. A built-in Rubidium clock disciplined with GNSS oscillator to provides high accuracy and continue working perfectly in holdover mode.
You may buy just a last generation dual port 10GbE tester and then you may add other interfaces just when you need it by a simple and easy upgrade by code. Then you will be able to get the new firmware supporting the desired functionalities.
IEEE 1588 / PTP and Synchronous Ethernet protocol emulation and analysis with advanced testing features including real time TE / MTIE / TDEV analysis and timestamped protocol capture in interfaces up to 10 Gb/s
Includes traffic generation and analysis features up to 10 Gb/s, equivalent to 15 millions of frames if frame size is set to 64 bytes. If the equipment is connected in through mode, it accepts and forwards frames at wirespeed
Symmetric and asymmetric automatic tests (RFC 2544, ITU-T Y.11564, RFC 6349) and synchronization tests (Synchronous Ethernet, IEEE 1588 / PTP, NTP).
Ability to disconnect traffic generation in each individual port (monitor mode) or to disable all processing in all protocol layers in each individual port (disabled mode).
Hardware acceleration for time critical protocols such as IEEE 1588 / PTP
E1 / T1 generation and analysis over a single port (Port C) which accepts both.